2017年12月2日 星期六

Kodi 17.2版本更新 最流行的家庭影音中心軟件

Kodi “Krypton” 17.2版本在2017年2月23日推出。

Kodi係一款知名既多媒體影音程式 佢開源、多平台、支援多種檔案格式同唔同網絡協定 又有唔同既資料庫黎提供你影片既資訊 例如演員、預告片同海報等,所以寫呢篇教學去教各位點用呢個咁勁既軟件。

android playstore下載連結https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.xbmc.kodi



We're happy to present you this small bugfix release for the v17 “Krypton” range which contains our continuous effort to further improve the v17 range. This release consist of several fixes on top of the v17 and v17.1 release to further improve stability and usablity. Additionally this also inclused a security patch regarding subtitle zip files. We sure would like to thank every one involved with either development, testing or simply helping out others with answering their questions.

Fixes done in this release candidate:

  • Fix selection after channelgroup switching in PVR guide window
  • Fix handling of gaps that caused eradic behaviour in EPG grid
  • Allow backing out of fullscreen pictures by mapping longpress guesture
  • Quick fix for wake up command not being called in PVR power management
  • Use alternative method to check if platform updates have been installed on Windows
  • Set the minimum version in the code which is currently OSX 10.8
  • Fix possible security flaw which could abused .zip files which try to traverse to a parent directory
  • Use the correct ttc font from the video file for subtitles on Windows
  • Detect and delete zero-byte database files which causes crashes


You may have read in the news that malicious subtitle zip files could potentionally infect and harm your media player including Kodi. When Check Point researchers uncovered this flaw they contacted us up front to let us know about this flaw. Our developers fixed this secuity gap and have added the fix to this v17.2 release. As such we highly encourage all users to install this latest version! Any previous Kodi version will not get any security patch. We have began the roll out of this version and Android Play Store as well as Windows Store have this update pending and will roll out as soon as possible. Please be patient if you are using these store versions. Our official download page of course has the regular install files available for the supported platforms.

mp4,mkv,avi,rmvb,mp3,alac,ape,flac,wav,x264,x265,vp9,vp10,av1,kodi,exodus,4K,1080p,high quality,hq,hdr,mpv,mpc-hc,mpc-be,potplayer,nnedi3,ravu


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