foobar2000 1.3.15版本更新 - 高音質又易用的播放器
foobar2000 1.3.15 版本更新在2017年4月7日推出
foobar2000是一款免費、播放音質頗佳、功能充足的音樂播放軟體,支援多檔格MP3、 MP4、 AAC、 CD Audio、 WMA、 Vorbis、 FLAC、 WavPack、 WAV、 AIFF、 Musepack、 Speex、 AU、 SND…等。而且擴充性高可以使用外置元件再提高音質。
foobar2000+multiresampler=192kHz Hi-Res 靚聲
Resampler (SoX)可達192kHz的foobar2000升頻工具
- Improved compatibility with certain internet radio stations.
- Tag manipulation improvements.
- When editing tags of iTunes-encoded M4A files, excess padding (often as much as 32 kilobytes) will be removed.
- Better handling of WMA “rating” field.
- Default UI album art viewer now less likely to make app unresponsive when attempting to load pictures from a lagging network share.
- Embedded album art loading performance tweaks.
- Updated FLAC library (1.3.2)
- Updated zlib (1.2.11)
- Updated FFmpeg (3.2.4)
- Unicode filenames within ZIP files now work correctly.
- Added “skip all” button to Converter overwrite prompt dialog.
- Fixed resampler configuration sample rate pickers not allowing more than five digits.
標籤: foobar2000
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